Asterisk (*) after last name denotes student co-author.
Hoffman, Steve G. Forthcoming (2023). “Artificial Intelligence and Scientific Problem Choice at the Nexus of Industry and Academia.” Handbook for Critical Studies of Artificial Intelligence. Edited by Simon Lindgren. Edward Elgar Publishers.
Steve G. Hoffman, Kelly, Joyce, Sharla Alegria, Taylor Cruz, Benjamin Shestakofsky, Laurel Smith-Doerr, and Safiya Umoja Noble. 2022. “Five Big Ideas About AI” Feature article. Contexts: Sociology for the Public. 21, 3: 8-15. Summer Issue.
Steve G. Hoffman and Vinay Kumar*. 2020. “Ontology.” In SAGE Research Methods Foundations. Edited by Paul Anthony Atkinson, Sara Delamont, Alexandru Cernat, Joseph W. Sakshaug, and Richard A. Williams. DOI: 10.4135/9781526421036869920
Steve G. Hoffman. 2020. Review of Truth Spots: How Places Make People Believe by Thomas F. Gieryn. Contemporary Sociology. 49, 2: 159-160.
Steve G. Hoffman. 2019. "Artificial Feelings: The Politics and Perceptions of AI." SKATOLOGY: Newsletter of the ASA Section on Science, Knowledge, and Technology. Winter Issue.
An earlier version of the "Shelf Life" article that includes data on France is available via the University of Toronto Sociology Working Paper Series.
Steve G. Hoffman. 2017. "AI's Prediction Problem." Backchannels Blog. Society for Social Studies of Science (4S). July 4.
Steve G. Hoffman. 2017. Review of Respecifying Lab Ethnography: An Ethnomethodological Study of Experimental Physics by Philippe Sormani. Contemporary Sociology. 46, 1: 109-111.
Steve G. Hoffman. 2014. “Simulated Realities (or, Why Boxers and Artificial Intelligence Scientists Mostly Do The Same Thing).” Pp. 335-349 in The Routledge Companion to Visual Organization. Edited by E. Bell, S. Warren and J. Schroeder. London: Routledge.
Steve G. Hoffman. 2013. Review of Coding Places: Software Practice in a South American City by Yuri Takhteyev. American Journal of Sociology. 119, 3: 833-835.
Steve G. Hoffman. 2012. “Academic Capitalism.” Contexts. 11, 4: 12-13.
Nickolai,* Daniel H., Steve G. Hoffman, and Mary Nell Trautner. 2012. Teaching and Learning Guide for “Can a Knowledge Sanctuary also be an Economic Engine?” Sociology Compass. 6, 7: 596-600.
Featured article with commentaries by George E. Marcus and Cris Shore, along with reply by Hoffman, “On the Metaphors and Losers of Academic Capitalism: A Response to Shore and Marcus.” Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale. 19, 4: 503-505.
Steve G. Hoffman. 2010. Review of Weaving Self-Evidence: A Sociology of Logic by Claude Rosental. Contemporary Sociology. 39. 200-201.
Steve G. Hoffman. 2010. “The Internet.” Pp. 277-278 in Culture Wars: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Viewpoints and Voices. Volume I. Ed. R Chapman. Armonk, NY: Sharpe Inc.
Steve G. Hoffman. 2010. “Operation Rescue.” Pp. 418-419 in Culture Wars: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Viewpoints and Voices. Volume II. Ed. R. Chapman. Armonk, NY: Sharpe Inc.
Prasad, Monica, Andrew Perrin, Kieran Bezila,* Steve G. Hoffman,* Kate Kindleberger,* Kim Manturuk,* Ashley Powers,* Andrew Payton.* 2009. “The Undeserving Rich: Moral Values and the White Working Class.” Sociological Forum: 24: 225-253.
Prasad, Monica, Andrew Perrin, Kieran Bezila,* Steve G. Hoffman,* Kate Kindleberger,* Kim Manturuk,* and Andrew Powers.* 2009. “There Must be a Reason: Osama, Saddam, and Inferred Justification.” Sociological Inquiry. 79, 2: 142-162.
Steve G. Hoffman. 2009. Review of On the Fireline: Living and Dying with Wildland Firefighters by Matthew Desmond. Social Forces. 88, 1: 469-471.
Hoffman, Steve G. and Gary Alan Fine. 2005. “The Scholar’s Body: Mixing It Up With Loïc Wacquant.” Qualitative Sociology. 28, 2: 151-157.
Nusan Porter, Jack, and Steve G. Hoffman, eds. 1999. The Sociology of the Holocaust and Genocide: A Teaching and Learning Guide. American Sociological Association: Washington, DC.
Steve G. Hoffman. 1999. “A Sociology of the Holocaust.” in The Sociology of the Holocaust and Genocide. Edited by Jack Nusan Porter and Steve Hoffman. American Sociological Association: Washington, DC.
Steve G. Hoffman. 1999. The Sociology Student Club Tool Kit. American Sociological Association: Washington, DC.
Nusan Porter, Jack and Steve G. Hoffman. eds. 1998. The Sociology of Jewry: A Curriculum Guide and Critical Introduction. American Sociological Association: Washington, DC.
Work in progress
Steve G. Hoffman, PI. “Managing the Unimaginable: Knowledge Production, Prediction, and Anticipatory Technology among Toronto Area Disaster Management Professionals.” Multi-year, multi-method project examining the epistemic cultures of professional disaster managers in the Greater Toronto Area.
Hoffman, Steve. G. "How Disaster and Emergency Management Professionals Create and Confront Ontological Disharmonies in Simulation Exercises.” Working paper.
Steve G. Hoffman. “The Imaginary Worlds of Disaster Management.” Working paper.
Katelin Albert*, Steve. G. Hoffman, and Sherri Klassen. “Undone and Rearranged Science: Knowledge Politics and Canadian Health Research.” Draft available.
Ellen Berrey and Steve G. Hoffman. “Knowledge Democracy, the American Far-Right, and Grassroots Anti-Environmentalism.” Early stage collaboration with Berrey on political campaigns to block sustainable growth proposals in rural and suburban America. Data collection in progress.